The Preservation of Islamic Identity in the age of Alienation of Islam

From Wikivahdat

The title is an article by Mohamed Talal Adel Fakhry, Hussein Mutlaq Najam and Aws Nadem Saleh Ahmed published in “The Journal of Tikrit University for the Humanities”, 2019, Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 1-18. The following is an excerpt from its abstract.[1]

Nations’ identity

No nation or community, whether they are a group or individuals, can live in this life without an identity bearing their personality and goals. This identity is a well-known description of which the nations boast of each other.

Islamic identity

The Islamic Ummah is one of these nations that Allah had dignified her as being part of Islam. The Islamic identity represents the personality of the Muslim, which makes him distinguished among the identities of the world, and invites him to pride, pride and adherence to it, and how it is the identity of the prophets and messengers, and adopted by the honorable creation Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the followers of companions and followers and those who followed them, The first Islamic times represent the pride of Muslims and their pride in their personality and their Islamic identity after they took pride in their religion and conveyed a bright image to the whole world about Islam by their ethics and their dealings.

Loss of Islamic identity

After centuries of the spread of Islam and the entry of Muslims in the masses, the Muslim feels today a kind of alienation and loss of Islamic identity, and intensified this alienation and brutality after the fall of nations on the Islamic world and its people, trying to extinguish the light of God in his land, leaving the Islamic nation gradually little religion affected by the decoration and adornment of the world, And our enemies have intensified their attacks on our nation in various kinds of Westernization and distortion of our religion and civilization.

Regaining the Islamic unity

Our Prophet Muhammad has warned us of the best of prayers and peace over what will afflict this nation of strife and calamities to be received by its Lord. This is a difficult stage for the Muslim nation that is going through it in its alienation. It represents a stage of discrimination for the people. There is someone who is steadfast in the guidance of the religion of Islam, sticking to the book of his Lord and the Sunnah of His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
