The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qurʾān (IEQ) (Book report)

From Wikivahdat

The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qurʾān (abbreviated IEQ) is an encyclopedia of the Qur'an. Its General Editor is Muzaffar Iqbal, an Islamic scholar based in Canada. It is published by the Center for Islamic Sciences. The IEQ draws on a wide range of traditional Muslim sources to present all concepts, places, persons, events, and things mentioned in the Qur'an.


The project started in 2009; the first volume was published in 2013.[1] It was originally conceived as a seven-volume work which would include around 600 entries. The word ‘Integrated’ indicates that the encyclopedia essays all themes, persons, things, places, and events mentioned in the Qur'an.[2]

IEQ was then reconfigured as an open-access online work[3]. The online edition consists of 515 articles which cover all concepts, persons, places, events and things mentioned in the Qurʾān. It is organized alphabetically in English, and its articles are cross-referenced to each other. Major articles begin with the phrase, “This article comprises the following sections”, to make readers aware of the extent of the entry. Each entry has a Bibliography and a "See Also" section for more related entries. The bibliography contains sources that may not be readily accessible or understood by those less familiar with the Qur'an or Arabic.[4]

Scholars’ saying about IEQ

The following is sayings of some scholars about IEQ.[5]

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Professor, George Washington University

“It is of the utmost importance to have scholarly works on the Qur’an of the highest quality, which would be acceptable as scholarly works in the non-Islamic parts of the world (especially in the West), but which would be from a Muslim point of view. We need Islamic scholarship that is authentically Islamic, not just composed by scholars with Muslim names, and which at the same time addresses the central issues of Islam, its sacred Scripture, its laws, its theology, philosophy, and so forth. The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an is one such contribution to that laudable and absolutely essential goal. And for that reason, all those who are involved in this project should be congratulated. These volumes will soon be in every library in the West so that if someone is reading about tafsir, they not only go to a Western interpretation of the Muslim commentary traditions but also one that is from an Islamic point of view. This is a great service to Islam, a great service to Islamic studies in the West, and a great service to comparative religious studies into the future.”

(Late) Israr Ahmad

Founder, Tanzeem-e- Islami

“The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an is the most beneficial project of our time. Its goal is to convey the authentic message of the Noble Qur’an to the contemporary readers by tapping into the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and by following the path of the traditional scholarship laid out by the righteous forebears.” Imam Yousef Abu Sneineh Imam and Khateeb, Masjid Al-Aqsa “This is the greatest project on the Book of Allah that Muslims have ever undertaken in the last few centuries. It is poised to bring to the world the highest level of scholarship on the Qur’an.”

(Late) Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azami

Professor Emeritus, King Saud University

“The people undertaking the Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an are poised in the middle of a great venture, not just for defense of our religion and our beliefs but an absolving of ourselves from the debt that is placed upon all scholars to combat misinformation and spread the truth about Islam. They work with limited resources, reliant on Allah’s guidance and eager only for His mercy, and they deserve nothing less than our full support by pen, by money, by word and deed.”

Andrew Colin Gow

Professor and Director of Religious Studies, University of Alberta

“The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an provides Muslims and non-Muslims alike with English- language access to a world of erudite Muslim scholarship that is not easily accessible in any other way. This exceptional undertaking is of value both to Muslims and to others for whom high-quality scholarship on the Qur’an written from a Muslim perspective has been hard to access in languages other than Arabic. Scholars of all types will benefit from this direct insight into the fascinating world of Qur’anic scholarship and tradition.”

Abdalla Idris Ali

Senior Community and Religious Advisor, ISNA Canada

“I think the Integrated Encyclopedia of the Quran is going to have a major impact on the understanding of the Qur’an for both Muslims and non-Muslims. For the first time in history, we will have a reference work on the Qur’an in the English language that presents 1400 years of Islamic reflection and scholarship. This will also be a work which will bring to the scholars and general readers a wealth of classical material on all aspects of the Qur’an. Such a work has been long overdue.”

(Late) Zafar Ishaq Ansari

Director, Islamic Research Institute International Islamic University Islamabad

“This is an exceedingly important venture. The field of Qur’anic studies has been left for too long to those who do not believe in the Qur’an to be a revealed text. It is time that Muslims realize their collective obligation to the Book. The idea conceived by Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal is of utmost importance: to produce a reference work on the Qur’an steeped in the 1400 centuries of Islamic scholarship, a work that meets, rather excels, existing standards of academic scholarship, but which does not compromise Muslim belief in the Divine origins of the Qur’an. The International University of Islamabad lends its full support and would do whatever it can to help this venture. This is a project conceived by one man, but it is, in fact, for all of us—it deserves the support of the whole Ummah. We are fully behind you; go ahead with God’s support and help.”

Hamid Algar

Professor, University of California, Berkeley

“It is indeed a superb piece of work, excellently conceived and scrupulously executed, a vast and authoritative compendium of scholarship on the Qur’an. All the contributors deserve to be congratulated on their labours. Having myself contributed to a number of encyclopedias over the years, I am aware of the vast amount of effort required to produce deceptively brief summations of complex topics.”

Waleed Bleyhesh al-Amri

Assistant Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Taibah University Editor, Journal of Qur'anic Research and Studies, King Fahd Qur’an Printing Complex

“I can still vividly remember the day when I first met the General Editor of the IEQ. Sheer will power, incessant hard work and calculated methodology aside, what made this noble project come to fruition against all the odds are honest intentions. I am very optimistic that this blessed endeavour will capture the essence of the Qur’anic message and the true spirit of Islam and make it known to those who pay heed.”

Hamza Hanson Yusuf

Co-Founder and President, Zaytuna College

“I have seen the first volume. I think it is a work of exceptional scholarship. It is very rigorous academically. It is done with a very high level of beauty and intelligence. It is something that the Muslim community can be proud of because, unfortunately, most of the encyclopedias on Islam produced in the West are done by people of other faiths, whereas this is a Muslim initiative, and it is very important. I sincerely hope that people will support it. Now the second volume is coming out, and by the time it is done, I think it will be a standard in the field. It will probably be translated into other languages, such as Urdu, Turkish, and Arabic, because of its excellence. So, I think it is really worth supporting it, and I hope that all of you support it, I certainly do in my own limited capacity.”

Yahya Rhodus

Founder and Executive Director, Al-Maqasid

“It is with great honor that I wish to give support to The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an project. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala bless Dr. Muzaffar and his entire team that is undertaking this immense and ever-so-important project. In relation to the communal obligations, I really believe that serving the Qur’an and preserving its message is of utmost importance. A project like this in the English language is long, long overdue. It is one of the most important of all obligations in relation to the Qur’an. Three characteristics of the IEQ project really stand out in my mind: First and foremost is the soundness of vision. I know that Dr. Muzaffar and his team spent an extensive period of time researching and developing its methodology and underpinnings. And this idea of integrating 1400 years of scholarship on the Qur’an is a very powerful idea because this scholarship is, in a sense , a type of explication of the meanings of the Qur’an and integrating it in a way that it becomes accessible is one of the great blessings of this project. Secondly, the scholarly rigour. I know that Dr. Muzaffar and his team are well-trained for this project, and they have developed a painstaking editing process whereby the finalized entries are of the highest academic standard. Thirdly and finally, when I think of the IEQ project, I think of piety. I believe the individuals involved in this project are sincere, I believe them to be people who have devoted themselves to the service of Allah and His Messenger and this is of utmost importance, because when you combine the inward sincerity with outward scholarly rigo ur and hard work, it only produces what is truly beautiful and this is something we truly hope and believe in relation to the future of the IEQ project, that it will be a great resource and a catalyst for abundant good within the Muslim world and beyond, for the English speaking world and beyond as it is translated inshaAllah into other languages. And I really hope that as we see in this blessed practical example of the use of the English language in the service of Islam, that inshallah Allah Tabarak wa Ta`ala will give them the utmost tawfiq to make their project to be of utmost benefit not only for people of our times but also for people of future and may Allah Ta`ala bless them and give them tawfiq in all their affairs.”

Mohammad Iqbal al-Nadvi

Chairman, Canadian Council of Imams Resident Scholar, Centre for Islamic Knowledge

“I appreciate the efforts of Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal and the IEQ editorial team; they are doing an exemplary job to compile this Encyclopedia. IEQ introduces classical scholarship, which is extremely rich in all aspects, to the modern discourse on the Qur’an. This is a unique and essential project, and I pray for its success.”

Joseph Lumbard

Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University

“The entire first volume is essential reading for everyone in the field of Islamic studies. The breadth of sources employed for each article is exemplary. If the remainder of the volumes are of the same quality as the first, the IEQ will reshape the field of Qur’anic studies in the Western academy for generations to come. The quality of scholarship demonstrates that one can do superb scholarship in the manner of Western academia without adopting the premises of its secular worldview.”

Faraz Rabbani

Founder and Executive Director, SeekersGuidance

“The Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an responds to the urgent need for an academic resource about the Qur’an and the Qur’anic sciences that is rooted in Islamic understanding and scholarship. The quality, rigour, and depth of scholarship in the first volume is impressive.”


  1. Sanders, Carol (2013-07-20). "Jul 2013: Reference book on Qur'an hailed". Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved 2022-02-19.
  2. Olalekan Sanni, A. (1 September 2014). "Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qurʾān (IEQ). Volume 1 Edited by Muzaffar Iqbal". Journal of Islamic Studies. 25 (3): 350–352. doi:10.1093/jis/etu054.
  4. Colbert-Lewis, Danielle (2014). "Integrated Encyclopdia of the Qur'an". Reference Reviews. 28 (2): 16–17. doi:10.1108/RR-05-2014-0118.