A Comparative Study on the Tricks and Strategies of the Enemies to Weaken the Foundations of the School of Islam

From Wikivahdat

The title is a research paper by Ali Ahmad Naseh[1] and Javad Jamshidi HasanAbadi[2] published in Journal of "Quran and Religious Enlightenment", Volume 1, Issue 1 - Serial Number 1, Summer and Autumn 2020, Pages 1-11. The following is an excerpt from its abstract.[3]

Recognizing the enemy of Islam

The issue of recognizing the enemy has received special attention in the Holy Quran. In general, the principled policy of the enemy to fight against Muslims is continuous and permanent. The methods of the enemy in fighting against Muslims and Islam have not always been unchanged and they have various methods for fighting.

Tricks and strategies of the enemies of Islam

One of the tricks and strategies of the enemies of Islam is to weaken the foundations of the school of Islam. From the viewpoint of the Holy Quran, the use of religious subjects, various accusations, fabricating legislation, anti-propaganda measures, slander and reproach, Scorn and disdain, destruction of school bases, fight and struggle, are all considered struggling tactics and methods of the enemies to weaken the foundations of the school of Islam.


The article concludes that:

1) The discussion of recognizing the enemy in the Holy Quran has been considered from various aspects. In several verses of the Holy Qur'an, Allah introduces the various enemies of the Right Front through different ways and methods, so that Muslims get to know their enemies more and better and fight against them.

2) In general, the author concludes that the principled policy of the enemies to fight against Muslims is continuous and permanent, but follows diverse methods. Enemies use various tricks and tactics to undermine the foundations of the school of Islam, choose principles, and base their methods and plan the strategies and steps of the operation on those principles, as a general guideline to achieve their goal. Among the most important principles, tactics and methods of the enemies' struggle to undermine the foundations of the Islamic school are: "Use of religious subjects, various accusations, Fabricating legislation, anti-propaganda measures, slander and reproach, Scorn and disdain, destruction of school bases, fight and struggle."


  1. Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith Sciences, Qom University, Iran.
  2. PhD student in Comparative Interpretation, Qom University, Iran
  3. http://quran2020.journals.pnu.ac.ir/article_7702.html?lang=en