Proximity Assembly's Periodicals and Magazines

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Proximity Assembly's Periodicals and Magazines are as follows:

== رسالة التقريب (Resalat-ut-Taghrib)== Volumes 1-52

Resalat-ut-Taghrib is the GAPIST's specialized bimonthly periodical. The periodical focuses on issues related to proximity of schools and unity of the Islamic Ummah. The periodical's first edition was published in blessed fasting month of Ramadan of 1413 (AH) and so far forty-eight issues of it have been published in its eleven year history. The Ministry of Sciences Research and Technology has approved the scientific authenticity of this magazine.

== اخبار تقريب Akhbar-e-Taghrib== Vols. 1-52

Proximity News – In Persian) Akhbar-e-Taghrib is the Persian language monthly news journal of the Proximity Assembly. The main objective behind publishing this monthly is exchanging ideas on issues related to Islamic unity and the activities pursued inside the county and abroad in that regard. Fifty-two issues of the monthly were published under that name with a particular design. After that the Proximity Assembly's news periodical continued its publication under the title 'پيک تقريب' Peyk-e-Taghrib (Harbinger of Proximity) with quite a new look.

== پيک تقريب Peyk-e-Taghrib== Vols. 1-40 (Harbinger of Proximity)

Peyk-e-Taghrib, as earlier mentioned, is the Persian language news periodical of the Proximity Assembly. It mainly focuses on scientific, cultural and political developments within the Islamic World and its subscribers are mainly the Shi'a and Sunni thinkers in Iran.Thirty issues of the periodical have been published thus far.

== ويژه‌نامه تقريب Vizhe-Name-ye Taghrib (Annual Special Supplement on Proximity)== Volumes 4-11

'Vizhe-Name-ye Taghrib' is the annual magazine of the Proximity Assembly in which reports on International Islamic Unity Conferences are published both in Persian and in Arabic languages. Volumes one through three of this special supplement were published before the establishment of the Assembly by the Islamic Propagation Organization (IPO).

== مجلهء انديشهء تقريب Andishe-ye-Taghrib Magazine== Vols. 1-5 (In Persian)

Andishe-ye-Taghrib (Proximity Thought Journal) is the Persian language cultural and scientific magazine of the Global Assembly for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (GAPIST), recently presented by GAPIST Cultural Deputy. The journal is distributed merely inside Iran.

رسالة الاسلام Risalat ul-Islam Magazine Vols. 1 – 60 (in Arabic)

Risalat ul-Islam was first published half a century ago in Cairo. Due to its great significance, the Global Assembly for proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought decided to re-print that magazine's entire series. Astan-e-Qods-e-Razavi -- the administrative organization heeding Imam Reza's shrine's affairs – assisted GAPIS in this move. The complete set of sixty volumes of this magazine is published in fifteen hard cover volumes.

اسلام درنگاه غرب اسلامEslaam Dar Negah-e Qarb (in Persian)

Eslaam Dar Negah-e Qarb is a series aimed at introducing, surveying, and writing essays and critiques about the latest English books published in the world about Islam and the Muslims, relying on thought trends that are contradictory with proximity movement within the Islamic Ummah.

Taghribnet Electronic Magazine

Taghribnet Electronic Magazine has been designed and programmed by GAPIST Cultural Deputy and is updated biweekly. The internet address of the e-magazine that is published in various languages is [1]

