Hamid Shahriari

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Hamid Shahriari
حمید شهریاری.jpg
nameHamid Shahriari
Personal details
brith year1963 AD - 1341 SH - 1382 HA
birth placeTehran
  • Ayatollah Sayyid Kazem Haeri
  • Ayatollah Sheikh Wahid Khorasani
worksShura in Fatwa
known forthe secretary-general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought

Hamid Shahriari is the secretary-general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, a real member of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace, and an advisor to the director of seminaries on information technology and cyberspace affairs. Also, he was the former head of the Nour Islamic Sciences Computer Research Center, the former deputy of technology of the judiciary and the head of the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary.


Shahriari was born in December 1963, in Tehran. He completed his secondary education at Kharazmi (Shariati) High School in Baharestan Square and graduated in 1981 with the highest written average among the students of the three classes of mathematics and physics.

Hojjat al-Islam and al-Muslimin Shahriari went to the Qom seminary in the same year and finished the level courses of the seminary in six years. He was the first student in the seventh grade of the seminary (al-Rasa'il and al-Makasib) and received awards from the grand ayatollahs of the time and Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini. Along with his studies, he taught seminary courses including literature, logic, theology, jurisprudence and principles and participated in the external jurisprudence course for ten years.

He was interested in logic and philosophy from the beginning. In those years, he traveled to New Zealand for a year and became familiar with the Western world. After returning from the trip, while continuing his seminary courses, he devoted himself to studying and researching new rational sciences, including new theology, philosophy of ethics, philosophy of religion, new logic, Christian and Jewish theology and related sciences at Baqir al-Ulum (peace be upon him) Foundation. At the same time, he was accepted at the Tarbiat Modares University of Qom and completed his master's degree in theology and Islamic studies by writing a thesis entitled "Shura in Fatwa". Later, This work was elected as the best research in the field of religion. Shahriari was the director of the Islamic Sciences Computer Research Center in Qom from 1996 to 2019.[1]

He received his PhD in comparative philosophy from the University of Qom. Then, during a one-year trip as an invited student at the University of Manchester in 2002, he wrote a book on the philosophy of ethics in Western thought from the perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre. This book won the Book of the Year Award of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2007. In 2009, the first strategic document of the Iranian Information Society, which was edited by him, was published.[2]


  • Ayatollah Sayyid Kazem Haeri
  • Ayatollah Sheikh Javad Tabrizi
  • Ayatollah Sayyid Mohsen Kharrazi
  • Ayatollah Sheikh Mohsen Moslehi Araki
  • Ayatollah Sayyid Mousa Shobeiri Zanjani
  • Ayatollah Sayyid Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
  • Ayatollah Sheikh Wahid Khorasani

Positions and Responsibilities

  1. Secretary-general of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought (2019)
  2. Real member of the Supreme Council of Cyberspace; since its establishment (2012)
  3. Trustee of the Islamic Sciences Computer Research Center (2020)
  4. Advisor to the director of seminaries on information technology and cyberspace affairs (2016)
  5. Head of the Islamic Sciences Computer Research Center; from 1998 to 2019
  6. Deputy of technology of the judiciary and head of the statistics and information technology center of the judiciary; from 2009 to 2019
  7. Secretary of the Supreme Council of Information; from 2005 to 2017.
  8. Faculty member of the Research and Development Center for Humanities "SAMT"; since 2003
  9. Head of the Research and Development Center for Humanities "SAMT"; from 2006 to 2009
  10. Deputy of research of the organization "SAMT" (2007).
  11. Deputy of research of the Research and Development Center for Humanities "SAMT" (2004)
  12. Trustee of the organization "SAMT"; since 2005
  13. Editor-in-chief of the seminary information network www.hawzah.net and Noormags www.noormags.ir since their establishment until 2019.
  14. Editor-in-chief of the quarterly journal named "Rahavard Noor"; since its publication until 2019
  15. Trustee of the second research zone of Iran; from 2006 to 2010
  16. Member of the supervisory board for the implementation of the resolution on computer networks passed by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution; from 2006 to 2011
  17. Member of the seminary commission of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution; from 2006 to 2011
  18. Member of the specialized group of multimedia of the Academy of Arts; from 2008 to 2010
  19. Permanent member of the commission of SAMT organization since 2011
  20. Head of the specialized committee of Electronic Justice (the FAVA working group of the government) from 2011 to 2013
  21. Member of the scientific council of the language and computer group of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature (2011)

Scientific Awards and Ranks

  • The first student of the Qom Seminary (al-Rasa'il and al-Makasib); (1988)
  • The winner of the second award of the Kharazmi Festival in applied research, (1999)
  • The award-winner of the best research in the field of religion for his research titled "Shura in Fatwa", (1994)
  • The book "The Philosophy of Ethics in Western Thought from the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre" was the book of the year of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2006.
  • The book "The Philosophy of Ethics in Western Thought from the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre" was the best university book (2006).
  • The book In Pursuit of Virtue was awarded as a commendable book in the nineteenth edition of the autumn book season (2011).
  • The book In Pursuit of Virtue was the book of the year of the Qom seminary in 2012.
  • Several other awards during the management of the Islamic Sciences Computer Research Center for the products of the center, such as the first prize of the digital media festival, for the project of the Encyclopedia of the Great Prophet, the project "Hawzah Website" won a rank in the digital media festival.


  • The book "Jurisprudence of Privacy", in press
  • The book "Shura in Fatwa" (A Look at the Philosophy of Ijtihad and Taqlid), Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, 2006, (The Winner of the Best Research Award in the Field of Religion in 2004, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance)
  • The book "Ethics of Information Technology", Qom University Press, Spring 2010
  • The book "The Philosophy of Ethics in Western Thought from the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre", The Research and Development Center for Humanities "SAMT", SAMT Organization, Summer 2006
  • The translation of Alasdair MacIntyre's book "Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry", Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, Qom, in press
  • The translation of Alasdair MacIntyre's book "In Pursuit of Virtue" by Dr. Hamid Shahriari and Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali, SAMT, Autumn 2011
  • "The Strategic Document of the Iranian Information Society" 2009, Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Information
  • The translation of chapters one and two ( pre-Socratic and ancient Greece) of "The History of Western Ethics" by Lawrence C. Becker, Imam Khomeini Institute Publications, Qom, 1999
  • The book "Shawahid al-Mabadi al-Arabiyya" volumes one to four, Dar al-Ilm Publications, Qom, 1992


  • The article "What is Knowledge? With Explanation and Comments", Quarterly Journal of Religious Thought, Shiraz University, Autumn 1999
  • The article "Electronic Publishing in the Field of Islamic Texts", The Electronic Publishing Conference, January 2000
  • The article "The Absurd" by Thomas Nagel, Critique and Opinion, Issue 8, Summer 2003.
  • The article "The Good Life" Critique of The Absurd, Critique and Opinion, Issue 9, Winter 2003.
  • The article "The Philosophy of Ethics and Politics of Aristotle and Plato from the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre", Critique and Opinion, Issue 30, Spring 2004.
  • "Translation: Necessities and Pitfalls", published in the book An Introduction to Free Thinking and Theorizing in Religious Sciences, Volume 2, pp. 216-157, Spring 2004.
  • The article "Environmental Identity from the Perspective of Islam", presented at the National Conference on Science and Religion, National Research Center for Medical Sciences, May 2005
  • The article " The Ethics of Information Technology (1)", Rahavard Noor, Issue 7, Summer 2005
  • The article "Donation of Gametes and Embryos from the Perspective of Islamic Ethics", presented at the Conference on Donation of Gametes and Embryos, Winter 2005, published in Payesh, Jihad University, Sixth Year, Issue 4, Autumn 2007, pp. 398-385.
  • The lecture "God's Action in Nature from the Perspective of Islam", presented at the International Conference on Science and Religion, May 2006
  • The lecture "Privacy in Islam", presented at the Regional Conference on Ethics and Information Technology, December 2006
  • The lecture "Women and Ethics in Information Technology", presented at the Conference on Women and the Internet in the Third Millennium, Session on Ethics of Information Technology, December 2006
  • The article "Privacy and Information Society", Philosophical and Theological Journal of Qom University, Issue 3-4, Eighth Year, Issue 3 and 4, Spring and Summer 2007
  • Lecture and article "Computer Ethics, History and Generalities",Conference on Islamic Ethics in Universities, May 2008
  • Writing the first draft of "The Document of Ethics in the Field of Information Technology", published in the book Ethics of Information Technology, Research Institute of Culture, Art and Communications, Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, 2008
  • The article "Jurisprudential Foundations of Environmental Protection", Social Theology, Second Year, Issue 3, Spring and Summer 2010. Pp. 181-218
  • The lecture "The Human Status of Gametes and Embryos from the Perspective of Human Ethics", Third International Conference on Bioethics and Patient Rights, February 2011
  • The article "Ethics of Trade from the Perspective of Islamic Tradition", Scientific Research Quarterly of the Association of Islamic Knowledge of Iran, Sixth Year, Issue 3, Summer 2010
  • Lecture and presentation of the article "National Security and Cyberspace", the Congress of Information and Communication Technology of Iran with the Approach to Citizen Welfare, 22-24 May 2010.
  • Lecture "Ethical Aspects of Modern Technology: Privacy Case", First International Workshop on Bioethics and Ethical Aspects of Biosafety, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, November 2011
  • The article "The Philosophy of Justice from Homer to Plato from the Perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre", Ethical Research Quarterly, Iran, 6 Winter, 2011
  • The Good and Evil of Technology from the Perspective of the Quran and Traditions, submitted for the International Conference on Ethics and Religions, 9-10 February 2012
  • What is Grape juice and what is its Ruling, unpublished.
  • The Mistake of the Qibla by the Mukallaf, unpublished.
  • The Prayer in the Ship, unpublished.
  • The Purification without Iron, unpublished.
  • The Hunting Tool, unpublished.
  • The Prohibition of Eating Clay and Mud, unpublished.
  • The Ruling of Treating with Armenian Clay, unpublished.
  • The Legitimacy and Validity of the Child's Worship, unpublished.
  • The Ruling of Playing Chess, unpublished.
  • The Limit of Throwing the Pebbles, unpublished.
  • The Limit of Circumambulation, unpublished.
  • Who is the Rebel and What is his Ruling in Terms of Fighting, unpublished.
  • The Ruling of the one-fifth of the Profits of the Acquisitions, unpublished.
  • The Proof of the one-fifth in the Absolute benefit and if it does not occur by Acquisition like Gift and Prize, unpublished.
  • The Meaning of the Rational and What it Entails, unpublished.
  • The Ruling of eating from the Sacrifice and the Sufficiency of the Taste from it, unpublished.
  • The Condition of Life in the Mufti, unpublished.
  • The Condition of Knowledge, unpublished.
  • The Imitation in the Principles of Beliefs, unpublished.
