An Analysis of the Outcomes and Repercussions of the Husseini Uprising

The title is a research paper by Muhammad Javad Iskandarloo and Hassan Rezaee Haftadoor, published in “Al_Hayat al_Tayybah”, 2018. The following is an excerpt from its abstract.[1]

Husseini Uprising in history

Analyzing the Husseini Uprising with a focus on its historical causes, religious and humane aspects, and outcomes during the ensuing centuries up until our very day and its future implications grants the individual awareness of its greatness and central impact on human history.

Husseini Uprising social outcome

A close examination serves in imparting meaning to every detail and provides answers to many inquiries relating to the uprising. The uprising of Imam Hussein signifies a great movement which has never failed to instruct humans and drive them to change history. In its day, the uprising revived Islam, endangered Umayyad rule, and sparked other revolutions which eventually led to the downfall of Muawiyah’s descendants from power in the short term, and the disintegration of the Umayyad dynasty in the long term.

Husseini Uprising and Islamic Ummah

The Husseini uprising awakened the Islamic Ummah and kindled courage and the love of martyrdom in the hearts of Muslims, and taught humans the lesson of sacrifice and selflessness.
